
Racist abuse in the NHS: ignoring patients’ prejudice doesn’t make it go away

Managers expect staff to put up with insults, and when we don’t we’re called confrontational

Work-life balance in practice: overcoming negative thoughts in difficult times

Fight off the challenging news cycle and boost your mood by ‘planning’ happiness everyday

Safe staffing is not a local issue – but England seems to have missed the memo

Legislated nurse-to-patient ratios are gaining support globally, so why not here?

Short-staffed and attacked by patients, are UK nurses being driven to extinction?

Managers feed the staffing crisis when they show indifference to attacks on team members

DNACPR discussions with patients and families: do you feel adequately prepared?

Advance care planning and the tools that can help you ask patients what matters to them

Learning disability and autism training: why my son’s death will not be in vain

New programme will help staff improve their skills and confidence when delivering care

NHS pay: why industrial action could be back on the agenda this year

Anything short of a real-terms pay rise may leave nurses feeling they have no other option

War in Ukraine: why I left my family and job to care for refugees

Safeguarding women and children and providing a listening ear as a volunteer

Coping after baby loss: why I set up a ‘safe space’ peer support group

A senior staff nurse explains how it helped her return to work after two miscarriages

Retired nurse reservists: is this short-term fix such a bad idea?

It’s not a solution for the NHS staffing crisis but it could be a life-changer for patients

Ukraine and COVID-19: conflict will undermine Europe’s pandemic recovery

Health cannot exist without peace, and this war brings major risks to public health

How embracing digital tech can banish inefficiency and give you more time with patients

Apps and electronic patient records will transform care – if designed with nurses in mind

Electronic health records: what do I do if a patient requests access to their file?

Why being able to check this sensitive information is important for many service users

Agency nurses and tax avoidance: if a scheme looks too good to be true, it probably is

HMRC’s advice on cutting loose of income tax arrangements that could land you in arrears

Dementia care in non-specialist settings: what would you ask an expert?

Your questions for an Admiral Nurse could help create a user-friendly learning resource

Nurses’ uniforms: solving the NHS’s dirty laundry problem

Infection prevention argument for on-site laundering gets another airing

How to offset the harmful consequences of international nurse recruitment

A long-term plan to end richer nations’ reliance on nurses from overseas

Will the last nurse left in the NHS please turn out the light?

When nurses lose their annual leave due to others’ mismanagement, a line has been crossed

